- 来源:
- 日期: 2022-10-14
本公司網站中文版的資訊及投資客户DIC系統己更新完畢。因為使用新的網路系統提供商,我們的技術人員正在解決英文版的連接及更新的一些技術問題。我們已請客户經理通知使用英文的注册客户並將適時的提供幫助。新的英語或其它語言的閱覽者可使用GOOGLE TRANSLATE 工具翻譯成他們要使用的語言閱覽本公司網站。如有不便之處敬請諒解。如果有需要幫助者請聯絡我們。
The Chinese version of this website and the DIC system for
registered clients has been updated. We encounter some technical problems with the English version and our technicians are overcoming
them . Meanwhile, Our account managers have informed our English speaking clients and will provide further assistance if needed. New readers in English or other languages can browse our website by utilizing the GOOGLE TRANSLATE. We appreciate your patient and effort for any inconvenience caused by the update process. Please contact us if you need further assistance.
The Chinese version of this website and the DIC system for
registered clients has been updated. We encounter some technical problems with the English version and our technicians are overcoming
them . Meanwhile, Our account managers have informed our English speaking clients and will provide further assistance if needed. New readers in English or other languages can browse our website by utilizing the GOOGLE TRANSLATE. We appreciate your patient and effort for any inconvenience caused by the update process. Please contact us if you need further assistance.